All right. You are here for one of two
- You can't seem to figure out what
exactly "pfft" is.
- You are truly offended by the
subject of the web page.
The answer to the first part of this is
easy. In order for the person viewing the page to get the
joke, you must first figure out what "pfft" is.
We would really rather not have to tell you, because then
the page wouldn't be nearly as subtle. We'll will give
you a hint, though. This page has to do with a common
male activity -- "pfft" is just a sound that the result of a particular action would
make, if it made any sound at all. We hope this helps!!
Regarding the second reason you might
be reading this, our response is; Get a grip.
ALL men have done it at some point
throughout their lives, and if you don't believe it then
you are sadly mistaken. The page is a joke and
we're sorry that you weren't amused..... No wait; We're
not sorry. Pull the stick out of your tookus
& relax!